How come they never taught us the really important things? Like how to raise the next generation in a way that fits the future's possibilities and challenges?

How to work in harmony within the family?

How to prepare ourselves and our children for the massive changes that the world is going through?

What are the real needs of children, in the 21st century ?

Education Design is all about learning how to make a better life for ourselves and for our young ones. Whether it is in our own home, in the community we live in, making a better school environment and much more.

Because we really believe that the children ARE our future...

Education Design starts with the vastness of great concepts like the FUTURE and HUMAN EVOLUTION, but then it focuses on the simplicity of actual steps and practical tools towards a better education for our children.

parenting course

What kind of courses can you find in Creative Education?

Parenting Courses
Parenting Courses

These courses are designed for parents who want to learn how to live in better harmony within their family, and how to give their children the best tools to meet the future.

Here you will find new perceptions, practical tools and creative ways and ideas to bring your family life to the next level.

Become a better educator

Teaching is not only a profession, it is a dedicated mission and a passion for attaining the best social and educational environment for children that will lead the future.

As teachers we want to encourage the fields of curiosity and give the students applicable tools towards finding their way in the future.

Here you will learn how to make the class a positive place that prepares the children towards living a fulfilling life.

Courses for school principals
Build your school from scratch, or improve it

These are unique programs for school principals or for communities that plan on opening a school. Here you will get one on one coaching that will lead you through all the important phases, starting from planning the school's programs, designing them, learning how to involve the community, and much more.

Informal Community Life

Get the fundamentals for creating a good community life, in which each child will feel safe and a member of the tribe. Here you will get tools to open informal after-school activities in your community.

Meet your instructor:

Gafnit Salvi.

Gafnit Salvi has 40 years of experience educating children of all ages, and working with youth. She has opened the GET (Golden Education Template) international line of schools, and trained many teachers. She also devloped the Y-TOP (Youth Template of Peace) international youth movement.


"So inspiring 

Great that you’re putting your knowings and wise know-how and experience in service to the families and parents". 

Pilar. Italy

"Wow… beautiful videos, you are amazing to offer this". 

Darrel, Austrlia

"AMAZING what you did! I feel very happy to know about this course. I feel very involved with this, because I work with couples/pregnants/labour/ family formation. And I feel parenting as a focus to put".

Faya, Brazil

"Gafnit, your soul parenting course is wonderful it really explains well and you speak so clearly".

Marina. Italy

" I consider it very important information. Now my Daughter is in her teenage and it has been challenging for me , I need these tools ". 

Alba, Colombia