Bring more harmony into your family's life

Meet your instructor and learn more about the course, in this video:

New times call for revising the concept of parenting.

As we see and feel - the world is moving towards a very new era, where we are all called to undergo processes of development and refinement that will help the positive shifting.

We all need to ask new questions, find our standards, extend our understanding, enhance our sensitivity, find new ways of communication, practice new behavioral patterns and much more.

Everything points out for a need to renew concepts in all territories of life, finding new perceptions and tools for a new world.

Our family life is no exception to that, and actually more - perhaps it is the most important base towards the needed change.

What is Soul Parenting?

Our understanding is that during these changing and shifting times, there is a part of us that knows exactly what to do and how to manage it all. This part within us is our SOUL: each person's unique and precious part that knows how to handle the diversity and challenges of life.

When we talk about "Soul Parenting" we extend this concept, and talk about the ability to connect to the intelligence and feeling that knows how to bring all the various parts of the family together in the best way.

Soul Parenting is the ability to synchronize the family, just like the conductor of an orchestra does, so each individual within it will be able to be true to his or her unique tune, and yet to be part of a greater harmony.

The Family's Function

The ability for the family to work in synchronicity and for each member to feel in it well-being is crucial. In these changing times the family is the extended womb that provides the necessary warm, caring, safe and wise environment that allows children and parents to go out from, into a changing world.

Soul Parenting is a new perception that talks about living a harmonious family life, and even sees the family as having an important function of preparing the children towards their own future and human evolution.

Whom is this course for?

This course is for parents of children of all ages, all around the world, that are seeking to harmonize their family life and to support the family members (parents and children alike). It is for people who have the need and passion to improve and develop, as humans and as parents. It is for those who see the importance of raising the new generation in a changing world.

The course is for parents seeking new practical perceptions and tools that will bring their family to its next elevation.

Grandparents are also warmly invited to the Soul Parenting course!

What will you (and your family) get from attending this course?

Attending the Soul Parenting Course, you will receive abundant new tools, skills and ways to fine tune your family life. 

Soul Parenting will provide you and your family with the "know how / why / what / where / and when" of orchestrating your family, to the benefit of each family member’s growth and well-being.

Taking the course you will also meet more Soul Parenting families, who will help each other apply the tools and grow by sharing, support and sentiment. 


"So inspiring 

Great that you’re putting your knowings and wise know-how and experience in service to the families and parents". 

Pilar. Italy

"Wow… beautiful videos, you are amazing to offer this". 

Darrel, Austrlia

"AMAZING what you did! I feel very happy to know about this course. I feel very involved with this, because I work with couples/pregnants/labour/ family formation. And I feel parenting as a focus to put".

Faya, Brazil

"Gafnit, your soul parenting course is wonderful it really explains well and you speak so clearly".

Marina. Italy

" I consider it very important information. Now my Daughter is in her teenage and it has been challenging for me , I need these tools ". 

Alba, Colombia

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